The Moon and the Lamplight...

On the YouTube video of my nighttime trail camera recordings, here is the fox I call this fox Skinny Fox. It has been around for about awhile now, ever since I started recording. It is always the first wild creature in my garden of late afternoon as it is getting dark. It was searching for food. Maybe it was the runt of the litter, or had been ill. Finally I caved in and put food out specifically for it. It has built up some body weight and its fur is now looking much sleeker. 

I sent an earlier video of Skinny Fox to someone and I was advised to specifically feed this Skinny Fox. The advice was to feed it, so that at some later date because I am target feeding at a regular times, if it needs treatment, or even trapping for treatment, then that would make things easier. At the moment, it is wait and see. But things are looking good, it is putting on weight, it is much more confident than it was when I first recorded him. You can see his wedding tackle, so he is a boy, which I am grateful for, because if it had been a she and mated it would not have stood a chance.

I am locking up at night, and putting the SD cards in the trail cams, and I can already see movement in the undergrowth. The second I turn the key in my door Skinny Fox is out eating the special food I put out for it. Other foxes and badgers visit my garden later in the night, but at least I know Skinny Fox has got his food.

Creative is something a bit different. A digital painting of the scene in front of my bungalow. The Moon and the Lamplight.

Time for a hot cuppa.

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