Feeling optimistic

This is my son’s (ex) room/spare room/ only room where work isn’t being done so everything from the rest of the house is currently stored here. 
I bought myself a cheap IKEA table to go in the space where the table football used to be. And I splashed out on having it delivered rather than struggling across the city and lifting it in and out of my car.  A good decision. 
There is one rule - nothing can go on it except the thing I’m working on. Except for a lamp and a pot of pens.  I’m SO pleased with it, and it’s a lovely place to sit, looking out west to the sky and the street. 
Here I’m continuing to go through a huge box of L’s schoolwork. Of course most of it’s going into recycling, unused pages in exercise books are going to neighbour’s kids for artwork.  But I’m keeping a few treasures. It’s really poignant looking at what he wrote about when he was 5, 6, or 7.  I can only do it for so long.  And it’s interesting to see how the man he is now was always evident. Plus he ALWAYS got 10/10 for maths, even when he was 4:)

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