
By KCNQ2Haiku

Carols around the Dovecote

"Joy to the World.." and
"Jingle Bells" played by brass band.
Christmas is coming!

Another day full of walks and our normal weekend routines.  It was definitely cold today, it was the first day I got my big coat out.  Is it just me.. or does every British person feel that the first winter day they wear their big coat is a watershed moment, important enough to regale uninterested friends and family about, whilst looking serious and giving a stiff shake of their chin?!  Maybe it's just me..
Ben and I walked into town, did a mini shop in Tesco, I usually avoid it at the weekends as it's so busy, I was filled with regret once we got in there.  I was rushing around trying to grab the essentials and Ben was following me telling me he felt funny.  I tried to distract and carry on but then he went a funny colour and said he was going to faint.  OK, whoops, we found a stool in the clothing section and I gave him some juice to bring his bloods up.  It didn't take long, always amazes me how quick the recovery is.  We popped to a local coffee shop to pick up some coffee beans for Mr KCNQ2Haiku and walked home, only stopping briefly to remove shoes and socks and look for something that was allegedly sticking into Ben's toe.  I was sceptical but we did eventually find a sharp bit of leaf that could have been responsible..  Anyway.. Mr KCNQ2Haiku had a bike ride which he seemed happy about, the work trip had been very intense this week, so he was ready to get some fresh air and blow off some steam.  After lunch we decided to walk up to the Carols round the Dovecote, it's held locally every year, the local school children sing and the brass band plays all the classics.  You can't help but feel a bit festive although I still can't quite believe it's December (despite my big coat!). Ben is not really made for these sorts of events, it's too loud and there's some standing around, so we only stayed for a brief period but long enough to get the vibes and say I was there! 
Afterwards we went around the lake and ate cookies, by the time we got home we'd done nearly 14,000 steps.  I've got a sore ankle too :-( I walked into the open dishwasher last night (just like I am constantly reminding the children not to do!) and gave it such a clonk, it's a stupid injury but it's been quite painful - the 14,000 steps were probably not the ideal recovery plan :-/

Oh well, it's Saturday night and we're having a take away :-D

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