Big Hill

By bighill

And that's a wrap....

Up early (for me) and down to the Alexander Graham Bell Museum by 8.30 am, Alyson was already there with coffee and scones!!  Bless her heart, she also brought me lunch.....gotta love that gal !!

Took us a bit of time set up - i had 2 tables in this it was kinda strange trying to figure out how to display everything!   But we did it and it was such a beautifully bright spot....all glass and very spacious!  We worked so well together and sales were great.

Finally got everything wrapped up again and destination home!   A bit of a read and a wee it's time for dinner and i am looking forward to the next little while where nothing 'needs' to be done!!!

All in all this has been a successful season, very much like sales etc., feels good to be done with clay tho for a few months.

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