twinned with trumpton


Up and energised I went for bread, tried the Drs for Her prescription and dropped Alex's match kit before winding up at Her's around 1130.

Brunch ensued (incorporating the Granton garden Bakery bread) before plotting a dog walk / Cigs hunt from Straiton to Burdiehouse. A 47 took us to Ikea; I wandered around the perimeter whilst She stocked up on candles then we fought our way thru the retail park, got a dog lead and struck out at Nike before off roading it through the Straiton nature pond or whatever it's called. 

Cigs was photographed; we continued on back into town and along the top end of the Burdiehouse Burn; through some of the most hideous new housing that's scarring the green belt as was. 

A 47 home; She arranged to go with Her school friend for carols etc at the Usher Hall; I called dog sitting duties and took Loki off half walking / half bussing to watch Argentina squeak past Australia. 

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