Curlew feeding

The morning’s sunshine provides us with yet more bright and crisp conditions - though it has to be acknowledged that the drop in temperature is definitely marked. 
Still, walking along the estuary in the sun is beautiful, and we watch the waders fishing in the mud. 

I do love curlews - probably my favourite of the wading birds, not least because of their haunting cry - and there’s one head-down in the mud hunting for worms. The hunt’s successful, and a juicy find is picked up by that elegant beak and slurped down greedily. Typically, without the right lens with me, I can’t get close enough for the detail that I’d like, so my images are heavily cropped ……

As we return home, the clouds close in and I suspect we’ve seen the last of the sun for the next few days. 

Thanks so much for your kind responses to my Crafnant set yesterday. You’ll be relieved to know I’ve resisted the temptation to post extras today! 

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