Advent Calendar journey continued

Well a great way to finish the day yesterday was to watch a great game of ice hockey and even better to see the Devils win 3 - 2 against Sheffield.

today it is grey and dark. Mrs C has been busy in the kitchen baking. The smell of the mince pies has wafted through the house so it is getting more like xmas by the day..

A monumental day for daughter and son in law. They become Irish Citizens. Great celebrations I hope. They will find it a lot easier travelling on an Irish Passport.

This afternoon there is an Xmas event in our development. Aled Jones, of Walking in the Air fame from the enchanting Snowman story is going to being entertaining guests. I’m not sure what his voice is going to be like 40 years on.

Tonight its a big choice - England World Cup match or Cardiff Devils v Dundee. What choice I made will be revealed tomorrow.

Today’s image is another shot yesterday. I have three Bowls matches Monday through Wednesday so expect more from Baddersley Clinton.

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