A Night Out with Merrick

We took our grandson Merrick to the holiday walk in Flint, Mi. tonight. It takes place in the cultural center area.

A trip to a museum, cookies and a small group playing instruments at the music center, cookies and a puppet show at the library, a picture with the Grinch (NO SMILING!), a quick trip into the art institute, and ending with a Christmas-themed show at the planetarium. 

This is Merrick with the mascot of our local hockey team, the Firebirds. Last time we took him, he refused to wait in line to get his picture taken with Arthur, the bespectacled aardvark from the TV series.

Merrick and me and the Grinch are in the extras. NO SMILING!

In birthday news, happy birthday to our oldest child Julie. She is 44 today, which makes me...old. We plan on taking her out to dinner tomorrow. Happy birthday Jules. Love you.

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