Oooooo Sexy Lady!

Preparations continue for tomorrow's Big Night Out. Next emailed first thing to say my killer heels aren't coming. So I rang and cancelled the order. That'll show 'em.

The morning involved much running around but much got done. The afternoon involved a trip to Truro - lunch, birthday presents, beauty stuff, handbag, jewellery and cake. Perfect.

After school continued the chasing my own tail theme. Ally mentioned the party he was invited to for the first time. The party was tonight at 5. But card and present were sorted out and he was delivered.

I took Bella to scouts only they weren't there. So we went up where we thought they were and waited. Only we were in the wrong place. So we have up and collected Ally from his party and dropped his friend Berni off too.

Back to cubs with red book in hand to fill in health forms so Bella can go on the cub camp to fill spaces. Finally off to collect my last Big Night Out purchase - heated rollers! It's only right that I try them out!

Some beautiful flowers arrived today. It's hard to believe it has been a year already, at times it feels like a lifetime and at others it still feels like yesterday. Although he can bugger off with waking me at 5.30 every morning!

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