As one door closes, another one opens.

As you can probably guess, we went to M & S this morning, to do the food shop. All went to plan, although it's getting much busier now. We went for a coffee afterwards, and the had a browse upstairs, which we haven't done for a long, long time.  I was looking for a garland, but there weren't any there, in fact there were very few Christmas decorations to be seen.
Came home , put the shopping away, and then had to phone our internet provider ,  as our contract is up. When we eventually got through, it was worth the wait, as I actually spoke to a guy from Leeds who I could actually understand. I said we had been with them since 2003, and he said  he was born  a year later. We managed to get a 24 month contract, seven pounds cheaper,  so all good.  So good to talk to someone who actually seemed to care, and was good at his job. Rare these day's

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