
A very exciting day. A palm tree fell on us!

Everyone is ok, a bit of shock and maybe some mild whiplash as Himself's chair back flipped forward when the tree hit it but not enough for hospital ( the hotel wanted him to go, I persuaded him it wasn't worth the form filling and I know he's fine really)

There were two people behind us who it missed by about a foot (they are fine too, if shaken) and there had been two children on the broken beds but luckily they'd gone for lunch. The youngest one was upset at missing it!

The hotel beach staff watched it happen - as I said to one of them, what was he going to do, catch it - and have been brilliant;  it must be their worst nightmare.  They've  been checking up on us about every 10 minutes. If it wasn't all inclusive I'd be expecting free drinks for the rest of the week.

Come to the Carribbean, they said. Relax in the sunshine, they said. Dodge death by falling trees, they forgot to mention

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