From Now On...

By rachelwhynot

3.30 pm…

A very different 3.30pm from yesterday which was dull and dark all day. Taken from the car window as we took a brief stop….

We’ve been to Sawston to be VPGs at Esmée’s nursery nativity where she was cast as Mary. It was great! Lovely and lively!! I’d love to share a photo but promised not to.

VPGs; Very Proud Grandparents

Esmée called it the Activity then Nactivity.
And “I’m only Mary when I’m wearing my costume Daddy!”

A long journey home because the M11 was closed from our junction and we were diverted along country roads to Bishop Stortford before we could join the motorway.

Very minor in the grand scale of things…(the day was well worth any traffic problems)

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