Mouse nibbling?

I love to use Photoshop!  My hand on the mouse made as a brush, repeated in different colours etc.  Add a frame et voilà!

This is for Abstract Thursday - "....abstract meaningful portrait or selfie ( as in ' how would you express your self or your subject, the characteristics, hobbies, passions etc in an abstract image' )"

I have been working on those XXX curtains!  Had to redo the heading tape as I'd left to much material at the top and it flopped all over the place.  The second curtain is all pinned so it's just machining for tomorrow I hope!  We bought some metal tiebacks but they didn't go with the curtain material.  However they go really well with the dining room curtain so Ro has them up there.  That frees the brass hook that we used to use with material tiebacks.  Now I just have to make some for the new curtains!!  We will eventually get there!   

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