One of the Christmas post box toppers.

The scaffolding around it seems to be completely taking it over but at least the poles are wrapped in yellow so look a bit festive…
Today was my endoscopy and I have to admit I was a tad nervous about how it would feel to have to swallow the video camera. The throat spray worked well and numbed my tongue and throat and in next to no time the doc was starting. I didn’t really realise he was on his way down my throat until he asked me to swallow. And it was fine. It was no worse than being at the dentist and unable to swallow your saliva. It did feel slightly strange, but not painful, feeling an alien thing moving in my stomach and I could feel the water that was injected through the tube; like a drink that missed my throat. 
And that was it.
My only complaint was that the doc was standing between me and the monitor that I could see so I only managed to catch occasional glimpses of what the camera saw. I do like to see what’s going on!
There were no abnormalities and I have the report and have been signed off. The only reason I lost 4 stone was because I didn’t have food after my hip op and by the time I could easily get to town I’d simply got out of the habit of eating.
I’m happily eating now but want to be very careful not to put much of the weight back on because my joints are under enough pressure.
So that’s my fourth procedure without sedation. 
Sorry for a boring blip but it’s my journal and a memory worth preserving…

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