Blackbirds in the pyracantha

There is a hedge of them at the back of the coop in the car park and this was full of blackbirds feeding on the berries. I think the one posing was so full it couldn't fly away.

Cold again and very frosty start it took ages to defrost the car, but when we got off the field we went to was free of people almost only a lady with 3 dogs, one of whom came to play with Tanzy. and a chap with a couple of dogs in the distance, it's a very large area.

Came home and got the hot pot on for tea.

Went to have my blood test this afternoon, he was a very cheerful young man who took it. We had quite a long chat.

I've been making cards tonight got most of them done now, just need to buy a small pack of special ones. I usually get them from the farm shot as they are for the  Horse and Donkey charity which is based in Leeds.

Weekend again can't believe how fast it comes round. Hope you have a good one.

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