Saturday Six

My gardening buddy SW became my kitchen buddy helping me with cleaning up the kitchen.

3 sets of bulbs already planted & growing.
Cyclamen looking a bit sad in the garden after the frost, snow & sleet.
Iris bulbs to be planted soon gift for birthday earlier in week.
Today's gift 3 pot hyacinths arrived from SW.

Kitchen not been this clean in ages, hope I can keep it this way for over the Xmas period even if everyone is away elsewhere.

Even managed to throw half a black bag of rubbish away from kitchen of stuff lying about or broke. Recycling away in its bin. Decided to get rid of breadmaker - not been used in years.

My kitchen corner where the breadmaker was now has the planted bulbs sitting.

Completely forgot to take a snowy pic from this morning's snow but now is slushy mush!

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