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By pplnani

Blue Tit

........... in the Mahonia ;-) Not a very good pic as it was in and out in a flash and it was too quick for me ......... also, I have been rather distracted - our boiler broke down during the night so it was a bit chilly when we woke up. Very annoyingly British Gas ( who we have a contract with ) can’t send anyone to fix it until Tuesday!!!! I was furious. We couldn’t find anyone else willing to come out any sooner so we’ve been rather chilly all day.
Hubby went out and bought some portable electric heaters which are taking the edge off the cold but we can’t have them going flat out all night, so we will have to turn them off and be cold :-((((((( not looking forward to that and I can’t find my thermals either, brrrrrrr :-(((((((

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