Food at da Trough

An icy morning, with sleet and haily puckles throughout the day.  A lovely calm evening, and more snow.

Up at 5am, overtime in the airport today.  De-iced the car, and headed out in plenty of time.  A fairly quiet day of passengers.  It was a mix of check-in desk and meeting and boarding flights.  Popped by Laura's on my way home, only Megan in and a fine catchup with her.  Working in the shop this evening, and a quiet night.  Folk were maybe put off with the snow, or they've been watching the World Cup.  A quiet night by the fire now. 

Scalloway, Black Gaet and Gulberwick all bad with snow and ice this morning, but further south was slightly warmer and wet roads, and no snow to be seen apart from on the hills.  It's looking like this snowy spell is to continue into next week, but possibly thaw in between then.  It's been a while since we had a good cold snap like this in December, generally our winter snow comes in Feb, Mar and Apr.  A yowe (ewe) happy to use the feeding trough today, instead of searching for grass under the frozen snow.  Taken neat Houlls, Wester Quarff. 

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