Lunch In Broughty Ferry

Sandy F organises regular meetings of the Dundee Construction Group Lunch which takes place in Collinson’s restaurant in Broughty Ferry. The food is always very good as is the company of the Group Members.

Thanks to Covid my attendance over the last two years or so has been nonexistent.

The weather is cold. I always park the CactusFBI a good half mile away from the venue and then walk along the water front to the restaurant.

The lunch was excellent and the company convivial. Business life in Dundee is colourful in many ways. The members of the group range through retired architects, engineers and construction company owners.

The most disturbing news was that given by FS who had Solar Energy Panels fitted to the roof of their home.  Two days later the building went up in flames and everything inside was destroyed.

The insurers have investigated the fire ‘forensically’ and are fairly certain that the Solar Panel Installation is the cause.

I am a great supporter of green technology and plan to install solar panels in our own home.

This should be a straightforward project. There are thousands of houses throughout Scotland so equipped. However, the best advice is to engage a competent and well insured company to carry out the installation.

FS will have his home rebuilt and the contents replaced. But, there are many things that cannot be replaced. Memories, Art Works, Books, etc, etc,

And today’s entry? Taken on my way back to the car. The lunch took just over three hours and this is the setting over the River Tay.

The river is home to many Dolphins, hence the sculpture of Dolphins on top of some of the Flood Barrier Gates which close automatically to protect Broughty Ferry.

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