Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

S'a bit chilly!

It's been cold, frosty and foggy, all day, no actual snow, but the temp hasn't risen above freezing point all day.
This morning i was up at 6.30am to go to look after Josie. This meant I was out at 7am defrosting the car. I'm lucky on several counts, our car is in our drive, so it's away from the road. Being an older vw it comes with an actual ignition key as well as central locking. All this means that I can start the engine put the fan on the windscreen and turn the heated rear window on. I can then shut the car door and lock it with the spare key, not zapping it, and go back into the house.
Being off the road the car is quite safe and in 10-15 minutes it's completely clear of frost and toasty warm inside.
I headed round to Ali's where Josie was her usual cheery self. I took her out to Tesco in her buggy just after 9 and when we got back she had her morning nap while I curled up on the sofa. Her dad got back at lunch time much to her delight, he'd had a weekend away with some friends.
Back home there was time for a quick snack and a nana nap then it was down to Katy's. Monday is gymnastics day and their classes are back to back with Isobel at 6.15 and then Eilidh at 7.15. Jon was on back shift and Katy working later so we did the needful. Colin did the pick up from after school club and dropped off Isobel while I went to Katy's house and got Eilidh's tea ready for her quick turn around. My blip was taken at 6pm near their house. No snow at all, this is a just a very heavy frost which hasn't melted all day. It was -5 at the time and I know it sounds odd, but it really didn't feel as cold as it should have been. I'm not sure whether it was lack of wind or lack of moisture in the air, but I managed without gloves when pushing the pram this morning and although glad of my coat later in the day, I had it open. Very odd.

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