
Woke to fairly deep snow, and still very cold. Poor Kt feeling very poorly so she was snuggled on the sofa with Heston when T went to work and I set off down to P’s.
Rather too eventful journey…the sat nav rerouted me from the dual carriageway onto country lanes and before I knew it I was faced with a tiny road going uphill for quite a distance and almost no grip on the slippy snow. Very few cars around but one young woman coming down the hill told me I should turn round and go back as it was horrendous further up. Of course I couldn’t turn as the road was too narrow so had to reverse glide all the way down. Thank goodness there was nothing else coming til I got to the bottom, where I managed eventually to turn, then crawled back a different way. Fine from there until I got to his road which again was in deep snow and very slippy. We had quite a good chat, despite his hearing aids not working and me needing to write everything down.
Sorted his care bill, Specsavers and discussion about Christmas, the idea of a new chair, and about shopping etc so it was good to get some agreement, then I went to Sainsburys and bought his favourite stuff, hoovered, made lunch and tidied up a bit.
Left him with a beer and some nuts and raisins then drove, slowly and gingerly, to K’s. We chatted and prepped stuff for the evening and drank tea then everyone arrived (minus S, given the weather). Non stop chat all evening as usual….hearing more about the background of recent events from C and laughing about our talk of bad knees, eyes, hearing, joints etc etc…deary me we’re all falling apart!
Didn’t leave too late and chatted to T when I got to his place…Kt was already in bed. At least the roads have cleared a lot which will help for my return tomorrow.

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