Dog Duvet

You know it's cold when the cat allows this to happen.  I nicked the title idea off M - he tweeted a picture of this cosy set up with the words 'Cat using the dog as a duvet'.  

Busy productive day shovelling snow off the drive and putting some grit down here and further up the lane (so I could get the car out and back later in the day), hanging the last of our electric ceramic core radiators which has been leaning against the wall in the hall for nearly a year (perhaps a mad choice considering the cost of electricity but little other option for us and bought before the prices shot up) and then out to take some panto photos.  The Aros hall was freezing, the heaters weren't working.  This year's panto has been beset by endless problems including a change of director, current director ending up in hospital with RSV and the hall electrics needing repairs.  The dress rehearsal was delayed because of the latter and the show opens tomorrow, Tuesday.  The dames costume wasn't ready so not sure the photos will be of any use, apart from the cast to see, might try and take a few tonight when I go to the show with A.  Very much hoping the heating is fixed!

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