I sits

When you're trying to finish a painting and your cat decides it's his place to sit. Love this boy. 

Rob went over to #66 to help get their stair/landing ready for new carpet on Thursday. Obviously this was planned before the bloody snow fall. Thankfully the main roads were passable so he got every ready to go and spent the afternoon there sanding and painting after Adam had taken up the carpet. 
I started on the fannying about on the painting I'm doing for Jennie's birthday. I usually make a card but as it's the 30th thought I'd do a bigger thing. 

Absolutely freezing in the house even with the central heating on. Feel like we're spaffing money through the walls atm. 18th century houses don't really hold the heat! Spent the evening in all the layers, hottie bottle, blanket and hat. 
Also did our birthday video - geez embarrassing or what? 

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