Crate rest?

Hmmm "crate rest" seems to have expanded to the bed! To be fair, once she's been out in the morning for essentials, Berry settles down for a few hours zzzz with the calming pills and I was very happy to share a moment or more with her today. Finding a comfy sleeping position where my arm is sufficiently elevated has been challenging so I was glad of an extra hour this morning. 

I've done the dusting in the living room which might not sound like a major achievement but golly, it was in need. I did think that I could draw Christmas patterns in the dust rather than putting decorations out but perhaps that'd be a step too far ;-)

With luck, Chris can put the tree up later, get some lights on and then I'll be able to plug into some sort of jolly vibe.  We honestly have no plans for anything so Christmas could easily slip by without us really noticing!

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