
By KathyH58

Dec 13

I had a couple of merchandising jobs to do today. Nice to get paid for 4 hours even though I was only in the stores for a total of an hour and 15 minutes. On the way home I stopped to get a photo of a community Christmas tree, thinking I would use it as my blip today. The winds are strong today, so it was not a good day for walking.
This afternoon I looked out the window and here was this owl sitting in one of the trees. I ran downstairs to grab a camera and he was still there when I came back up. I took some photos thru the window, then went outside and crept down the side of the house so I wouldn't scare him and got this photo and a couple more. He sat there for over an hour. The crows were sheltering elsewhere out of the wind today so they didn't know he was there. 
Sometimes things happen for a reason. Last night, the roommate and I agreed that he should move out at the end of December. This morning when I got up, there was a text message waiting for me from a woman who had looked at the room, then had a chance to take a place closer to where she works. I guess that didn't work out, she wants the room here and plans to come over on Saturday to give me a deposit. Cathy and Glen, my other roommates, have had word that they can move back to their apartment on Dec 22. They were worried about leaving me alone here with Pat, so they were glad when I told them this morning that he would be leaving.

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