New kettle...

My kettle gave up last night. I like glass kettles. I like watching the water bubbling. I bought it when I moved into my flat 10 years ago so I guess that's a fair old life for a kettle... I dunno though... how long does a kettle live for?

That's a rhetorical question cause you can't answer. I'm a little behind in my commenting and new subs and I need to try and catch up. That and I'm feeling a little anti-social at the minute so I'm in hiding until further notice.

It's alternatively known as pleasing myself. So I'm pottering round the flat, tidying, not tidying, listening to music, playing that really annoying, addictive Candy Crush game, begging people for lives, the very people I've cursed for sending stupid game requests on Facebook... I have become that person! I'm plotting the radio show for next week and painting my toes, framing pictures, watching shit TV, taking endless photos of a boiling kettle and I'm going to attempt to make bread. Not all at the same time obviously!

I think it may also be referred to as 'me' time.

Happy days... I hope you all get a chance to please yourselves this weekend.

To know what is right and not do it is the worst cowardice.

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