Dismal Driving

... through freezing fog - but only as far as our daughter's. The sun did break through eventually, but little evidence of melting frost. It had shown its pale face in the wing mirror for a second as we drove. Sadly it was the second before I clicked my phone-camera.

Didn't see LMB this morning as she was at nursery, and we only popped in to help with a few household chores as their broken nights take their toll. Actually, they're managing well, but it's a good excuse to have a cuddle of the Young Master and converse with him about the indignity of nappy changes and the delights of lights and darks. He turns his head to look at lights - our daughter calls him her Moth Baby. And, just like his sister when she was new, he tries to lift his head. Aaah, I think we shall have to pop in again tomorrow to help with the laundry or some such. 

Little Miss B had a lovely time at her Nursery party and, the next day, being an angel in their Christmas Nativity play. She and another angel waved and said Hello to their mums and dads during the performance, while - apparently - the Star got stage fright, leaving Mary and Joseph to follow thin air to find the stable. He he. The joys of three- and four-year-olds!

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