Christmas Come Early

Up and out early to collect post for one of the ladies who lives out of town and has a box here, then off to see her and the others. Anna came along with me which was lovely. We got there and one of the homeless guys happened to be hanging around the place. He's often very aggressive and has some anger issues, but today he was quite chilled and chatty, not a side I've really seen of him before. 
We left early so I could see James again. More discussions around big life stuff which was good. I feel a deeper closeness has grown between Danny, myself, him and Rich, even in just these few days.
This afternoon someone delivered a leather sofa for the from a restaurant. And we were also given another leather sofa and table that'll arrive on Friday! 
Community dinner and discussion tonight. James and Rich dropped in with gifts for the kids which was very kind. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A lovely chat with Dad first thing this morning (forgot he was an hour earlier than me!!) as I walked to the post office and bus.
2) Friendship with Anna.
3) Danny bumping into a friend who has close ties with the opposition party here, and is going to speak to them about getting the centre opened. We'll see. Encouraging that he saw the place and heard the vision, and can see the need. 

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