Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Advent advances!

I blipped my Advent candle at the start of December (It's really a December candle. I guess Advent can have a variable number of days so that would make it too complicated!). Today's blip is of the Georg Jensen angel tree decoration which I bought for the girls a couple of years ago. This is the gold version as is the candle but there is a silver coloured one too. The candle has a representation of the same angel, I do like them.
It's Wednesday again today so I was in church this morning. A smaller congregation than usual, I guess the weather is not very inviting.
Once I got home again, I decided I needed to get going on some of the tasks which are time dependent, so today I put the marzipan on the cake. That feels like a big tick as I like it to dry out for a few days before putting on the icing.
The next job was to set to and clear out the cleaning materials etc in the two large boxes in the utility room cupboard. At least I now know what I don't need to buy. I seem to have lots of bleach and floor cleaner, and, for some unfathomable reason, oven cleaner. I have no idea why I have four different (unopened) containers of oven cleaner. I obviously know the oven needs cleaning and buy the needful then can't face doing it. No change in that today either, lol.
One of the main impetuses for the clear out is that we are going to have somebody come in to clean for a couple of hours a week...... that is such a treat! Having said that, having a cleaner means I'll have to tidy the house ready for them coming! That was how I spent much of the rest of the day.
The cupboard under the sink was cleared out and cleaned; the lounge table - which is where I keep my piles of useful papers and things I want to keep handy, was cleared; The desk was cleared, although to be fair most of the stuff on it isn't mine and the hall cupboard was also rediscovered under a pile of papers! The house is now fit to be cleaned!
I made a casserole next with some pork fillet I picked up half price in Tesco and added some apple. We had it for dinner tonight, delicious.
I finished my burst of activity by cleaning all the silver in the lounge and then hanging a particularly attractive and garish wreath on the front door. To make it even better I entwined a short length of timer operated white lights amongst the vibrant baubles. I'll bet the girls like it! I remember a couple of years ago, Eilidh phoned me up in triumph because they'd managed to persuade their mum to put some tinsel on their (very tasteful) tree. They're still working on her for some coloured tree lights though, girls after my own heart!
Time for bed now, it's still ridiculously cold. Going out in the car needs an extra 15-20 minutes of defrosting before you can set off. It refreezes even if only left for an hour or so. Stay warm folks.

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