Bwyd, cemeg a dirgelwch

Bwyd, cemeg a dirgelwch ~ Food, chemistry and mystery

“All too often, today’s technology becomes a distraction that syphons your energy and diffuses your attention. But when you use a camera to look out at the world, your eyes may light on a gesture, an image, an expression - and you experience the indispensable spark of awareness and presence. It’s a flash of insight that can pierce the fog of your preoccupied mind and bring you closer to the living moment.”
― David Ulrich

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Rydyn ni'n hoffi arbrofion bwyd a chamgymeriadau bwyd hefyd. Hyd yn oed pan nad ydyn nhw'n 'gweithio' maen nhw'n dal yn gallu bod blasus iawn a pleserus. Heddiw penderfynodd Nor'dzin ei bod hi angen mwy o ymarfer yn gwneud crwst, felly gwnaeth hi bastai pysgod a llysiau. Roedd hi'n dda iawn - ac rydyn ni'n edrych ymlaen at fwy o arbrofion fel hyn.

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We like food experiments and food mistakes too. Even when they don't 'work' they can still be very tasty and enjoyable. Today Nor'dzin decided she needed more practice making pastry, so she made a fish and vegetable pie. It was really good - and we're looking forward to more experiments like this.

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