By lizzie_birkett

Tiny Tree

I added some more baubles to it! :-D
How icy it was this morning up the track.
I’ve filled the bird feeders up 3 times today. Our main feathered visitors are
collared doves, (Greedy!) Blackbirds, Sparrows, Starlings and Robins. I’ve only seen one or two Bluetits. The Blackbirds are really enjoying apples.

I phoned the estate agent in Kendal today as Tonya was getting worried they might not get the flat even though the agent had said they have it.
The lady phoned me back and said they could move in before Christmas but we said it would be better in January after the Ukrainian Christmas on the 7th. We have arranged to pick up the keys on 9th January. They are pleased now and have something to plan for. We will also be pleased to get some space back. They are easy to have around but it will be nice to get back to normal.
First though, we’ll have a nice Christmas with them and then a Ukrainian Christmas too!

Blackbird on a Half Moon Frosty Morning
How utterly splendid it is to be
A Blackbird in the highest tree
Surveying the gardens from up here
I can see which one has the tastiest fare
Some of the offerings are quite poor
Bits of stale bread flung out the door
If I'm desperate I'll have a nibble
But prefer a nice bit of mixed kibble
No 3 puts out a bargain variety
Which can cause trouble in bird society
Because it contains mostly wheat 
Which them greedy Pigeons love to eat
Number 7 is OK but I'd never get fat
And I have to watch for her nasty cat
She puts the food in a long wire thing
But Blackbirds claws aren't made to cling.
Him in Number 9 is a big 'Tits' man
They flock in dozens to partake of his scran
Blue and Bearded and Great and Coal
He even puts water in a plastic bowl
When the earth is frozen with ice and frost
We birds know where we'll find a crust
Hunger makes Finches and Sparrows brazen
While me and wee Robin squabble over a raisin
No 5 is the one I watch form my perch
That woman has really done her research
She knows what I like, especially dried fruit
So I sing to her, sweet as a boxwood flute

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