
Miserable weather today, but at least it’s not freezing any more. Our Christmas goose was killed this week and ready for collection, so we drove to the farm in St Savinien, and when we arrived the farm dog brought us a present. It looked like a dead chicken!
Mr F was chatting to the farmers wife about this, as the farmer and I went to see what was going on. The farmer rescued the bird, which he said was a pigeon, but looked like a bantam to me, and it was still alive! 
The dog was still very young and very naughty and had done it before, and I’m not altogether sure if the farmer dispatched it or tucked it up in the farm’s hospital wing!
The remaining live geese in the next field were unconcerned with the goings on!  Then we came home and found that the neck was still attached so Mr F got his sharp knife out and amputated it. There was also a bag containing the head and feet which we don’t really want!  
Can you tell it’s the first time we’ve bought a goose in France?

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