
By KCNQ2Haiku

Car Wash Joy

Overload from the
Christmas Fair, negated by
sensory car wash :-/

It was the school Christmas Fair today.  Ben was excited and I agreed I would meet him there at 1:15pm.  When he arrived he already looked stressed.  Too many stalls, too many people, too much uncertainty (we bought tickets for the bottle tombola and tried hook a duck but didn't win).  He started to blow and had a little bang about in the reception area, it's hard to know if he knew really how he was feeling at all, it must be so confusing, he was resisting any offer of leaving but also didn't want to engage in it all.  We did some push/pull/big movements to try and ground him a little and then he did agree to move on.  I had already set out a plan with him earlier in the day that we would go through the car wash on the way home, as I sort of suspected the fair might be problematic and he might need something to motivate him to leave.  He LOVES a car wash, with the rushing water and the bristles coming over the windscreen.  He shrieks with joy at it all.  I mean, it's fair enough, a car wash is quite good fun.  So we made it in the end.  He was settled, he got his car wash and fun was had.  He's been OK this evening too, so hopefully that's a good start to the weekend.  AND apparently it's going to start warming up soon :-D That makes me a happy camper.

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