Frozen Bubble

I knew that today was my last chance to try for a frozen bubble for a while, so I put my jeans on over my pyjamas, donned two coats and a hat and ventured outdoors armed with a macro lens on my camera and a pot of bubbles, reinforced with glycerine.... My first pot of bubbles wouldn't work but, undeterred, I tried a second pot. Success! By now, the bubbles were not the only things that were frozen, so I decided I'd content myself with the handful of images I'd captured and retreated indoors to porridge and a hot drink.

Later in the day, I had the joy of watching my granddaughter's nursery nativity. So many donkeys, stars and angels - they were all great!

Another Frozen Bubble in my b&w journal

Thank you so much for all the great comments, stars and hearts for yesterday's 'Kingfisher' - very generous of you!


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