
Today was the last day of term, CyclopsJnr has broken up for Christmas.

In the morning was the Division singing competition where the kids from each Division had prepared a fun song to perform on stage. The parents were sent videos! They were all in Christmas jumpers, and there was actions and general jollity and even a bit of acrobatics from some of the older ones. CyclopsJnr's Division didn't win, but they all seemed to enjoy it.

School finished at 12.45pm.

When CyclopsJnr got home he wanted to watch YouTube for a bit, and during this rest MrsCyclops noticed that an hour later a Christmas craft session was about to start at the library. MrsCyclops put this to CyclopsJnr and he was really keen! So we went along and it was great. There was a few kids and parents there and an artist was helping us to make Christmas decorations from card that gathered up into a bauble shape, and we put sweets inside them. We also decorated them with our own designs and stuck-on embellishments. 

After the session ended CyclopsJnr and another kid stayed a bit longer as they both wanted to make a little book. CyclopsJnr wrote a story in his: The mystery of the missing Christmas tree.

It was all very lovely. Thanks Muirhouse Library!

We intended to go to Morrison's cafe for a donut after but it was closed, so we browsed the shop a bit and bought a slice of cake to eat at home.

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