Jimmy Joe Turns 95

My dad didn't want any fanfare. My sister took him and my brother out for a late lunch, and Lisa and I went to see him at about 6:30. We pulled in just ahead of some carolers from our church. An octet of singers showed up and sang about 6 songs, including Happy Birthday. I didn't think he would be, but he said later that he was really moved by the gesture, and it made him a little emotional. (The singers are in my Extras.) He was also moved by all the birthday cards he received.

95 years is a l-o-n-g time. Dad was the 4th child in a family of 7 children and he is the last one left. After the singing, he was telling us about his childhood, growing up in Flint. Michigan. and about his parents and his brothers and sisters.

Without getting gushy, he's a good man, a good person.

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