Journal of Jackie

By Jackie18

Denise and Sami

My turn to be at home last night. Emma stayed over as she's kindly been helping Nina revise for her Maths GCSE which she finds very difficult. Denise and Sami visited too and we all travelled to the hospital together.
Rafi was calm by the time we arrived, but had been a bit agitated earlier. He keeps having to have his NG tube re-passed which he finds very stressful. His friend Owen visited in the morning and they went to the 'teenage' room, but sounds like Rafi had had enough of being in his chair before Owen arrived , so wasn't feeling his best which is a shame as he was looking forward to seeing him.
Rafi allowed us to put him in his wheelchair this afternoon and we went to the play room and Treetops and he had a suck of coke from his mouth sponges.
When we got back from Treetops with Rafi and wheeled him back next to the bed Rafi was trying to get himself back into bed by reaching out to the bed and pushing up. He doesn't like the hoist, so hopefully he will be motivated to try standing this week . He doesn't seem to like standing with the physios, I'm going to see if they can show me and Kiera the best way to help him and see if he responds any better (he'll probably tell me to get lost too!)

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