Come into the Garden

By aprecious

What you looking at?

"You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life."
Albert Camus

Maud: What you looking at?

Charlie: What you looking at?

Maud: Are you seeing what I am seeing?

Charlie: Un-bel-ievable.

Maud: You think she's combed her hair this morning?

Charlie: You think she combs her hair any morning?

Maud: And they say punk is dead.

When I was 14 I took to wearing a photograph of Johnny Fingers* inside one of those free Jackie Comic badges where you inserted your own picture. It was a sick-making purple heart that badge and, naturally, the incongruity of this passed me by. Our resident school punk - a lovely girl who went from shy to safety-pin queen overnight said to me, "I like your Fingers." For some reason, this made me laugh like something deranged. I think my credibility as a punk was lost right there. And the soul skirt and polyveldts may have been a give away too. I have always considered this a shame, given my hair's natural tendency to do its own vertical thing of a morning.

I often think about the shy punk - Jackie Bellard - and hope life has been kind to her.

Two more things: hurrah for the pie-eaters. (Wigan folk... ) and today could be - with a following wind and a bit more concentration - the day I finish my corrections. Oh please. Please. I've swimming and blip and other really important stuff to do.

*For the uninitiated, Johnny Fingers was in The Boomtown Rats. He wore pyjamas over his clothes. This was unspeakably cool to me at the time.

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