
By Dominie

Long walkabout

We caught a glimpse of Brendon Alsop in town yesterday, and to our happy surprise he turned up at church today, having a spiritual break on his Great Aussie Trek. Accompanied by his offsider Jojo, he is attempting to walk round Australia to raise funds for cancer research and obesity prevention.

Brendon, 57, from Geelong, Victoria, who has lost his father and other members of his family and friends to cancer over the past five years, has had a weight problem for most of his life. His idea to do something radical about it came when he was moving house, and he set out with his buggy a few weeks later.

So far, Brendon, who hopes to raise $20,000 and lose 50kg, has walked about 850km. He covers on average 20km a day, and sleeps sometimes in tourist parks but more often near the side of the road or on a beach.

Only 15,150km to go . . . .

[You can follow the fortunes of Fatman and Jojo on]

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