
By ferryoons

Vole au Vent

So. You want to build a windfarm in the sea, yes? You need a windmill. Under that you need a great big stick. But you need something under the sea to stand the stick on. So take a big yellow Meccano set. You’re still trying to persuade me it’s a jacket, are you, when it hasn’t got any sleeves? Come on, it can’t be any more than a waistcoat.

OK then, so we hoist the waistcoat onto a barge (not in shot) yes? Goody. Then we tow it out to sea, yes? Then what?

Oh, then we need a big flat ship with the biggest crane you’ve ever seen? Ok-a-ay. Then what? It has a leg at every corner, and you plonk them down on the sea bed. Of course you do, who wouldn’t? Then you lift the waistcoat off the barge and drop it in the sea? Well, there’s nowhere else to stick it really, is there? And you stick the stick on top. So what do you use for glue?

And the best thing about it is the name of the ship.

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