Belgium waffle

By Strang

Love on metro line 2

I would first like to thank all of you who have commented so positively on my nomination of staff pick of the week, it was most unexpected but very much appreciated.

Today's blip was taken on Metro line to in Brussels on our way to the weekly Midi market. I was hoping to get some colourful shots of the market in full flow but due to the abysmal weather most of the stalls were covered up and there was hardly anybody out and about. So my camera never came out from its bag.

Luckily I got this capture on the way there, I did take a few candid shots of other commuters but was accosted by one rather irate French woman as I was disembarking the train who had realised I had blipped her, I of course denied all knowledge of knowing what she was talking about whilst hiding behind the wife and children!

What is a mother to do on Mother's day other than protect her husband from stroppy Belgium commuters!! I should at this point explain that my wife is a fluent French speaker and could placate the woman whilst in true Gaelic fashion I just stood there shrugging my shoulders.

Ah well, we are all back home safely now!

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