
By NightOwl45

Poundland Elf

I’ve had a very long, exhausting day but have managed to get through a lot of things that needed catching up on.

I woke up sore as usual but did my physio exercises and managed a shower. I needed to collect my inhalers and some food shopping. I’ve used a lot of spoons today but have had a better day. 

This morning, I sent an email to the Pain Clinic secretary, who has been incredibly supportive and who was the one who offered me the cancellation for my first chronic pain physiotherapy session at the beginning of December. 

I was following up my phone call on Monday asking if my physio would agree to send me to the pain consultant and she emailed back to say that my physio was happy to do so. I will probably be in for a wait but I feel incredibly grateful that she has agreed. I am proud of myself for being my own advocate despite the excruciating levels of pain I have been in over the past couple of months. 

I am going to have a rest day tomorrow to recover. Thanks for all the kind comments and stars, I really appreciate them, I read them all :) xx

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