Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Lemon Sole

Bit of a lie in today and then a trip to Eyemouth for my first dive of the year. J managed to get a dive in up the sound of Mull earlier this year.
Ropes off at a very amenable 12.30 for a trip up to St Abbs. First dive was Black Carr reef. Viz was only around 3m and not much life around. A few crabs, squat lobsters and a medium size lobster in one of the cracks but no fish. Main point of the dive as it was COLD water temp only 6 degrees. Only had 3mm gloves on and I couldn't feel my fingers after 15 minutes. Still managed a 30 minute dive.
Second dive was on a bit of wreckages not far from Black Carr. Would be a nice dive in the summer when there is more life and it warmer. Still did find some or the wreck and a dead fish, only one of the day. 5mm gloves didn't help that much and it was only a 25 minute dive before we got too cold.

J got some Lemon sole and Monkfish tails, so my trip into the world of fish is going deeper with Monkfish tomorrow night.

Back to our friends in Berwick for some home made pasta before coming home to watch qualifying.

This weeks challenge word is SCALE, so as the lemon sole pieces had their skin still on this was the obvious photo to take. Even thought the scales have been removed you can still see there they would have been.

This will be my entry for the challenge this week.

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