Self-Portrait: Strangely a-Peeling

After a rather static, but surprisingly successful, game of tennis yesterday, we went off to that London to take in the Tate Modern (some intriguing ideas and challenging concepts - and that was just the cafe*) followed by an Audience with the amusing Jack Dee (the tickets were a birthday present from the boy but the intended Father-Son bonding session was scuppered by the demands of revision and so C manfully stood in for him). The journey back was on the tortuous side and resulted in a late night.

This morning the mending-but-still-poorly-knee-(no-I'm-not-one-to-make-a-fuss) meant that a run wasn't on the cards, so a canal-side cycle to the Ma's instead. Home found me hungry but a restorative Bacon and egg soon sorted that. Then a peaceful couple of hours reading and listening to music. I didn't actually nap but I may now.


The pic is of a canal boat.

*The cafe was actually great but I won't let facts get in the way of flippancy. You know me.

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