
By minniemouse1966

Christmas Eve

I did a last minute tidy up if it's not done now it's tough as I'm not doing anymore real tidying and cleaning until after Christmas after my tidy up I sat and did some word searches until it was time to go down to H and A's for brunch A's parents his sister and her partner were there and also my husband (although we are separated we still speak) and of course M, H and A had put on a buffet and we stayed for a couple of hours but left so that H could get ready for work unfortunately she has to work tonight and tomorrow night for the patient transport ambulances hopefully she won't be to busy. I lit my candle tonight as I remember my nan who passed away eight years ago in the early hours of Christmas Day and also my dad who passed away two years ago, I then watched the Royal carol service from Westminster Abbey which brought a tear to my eye. Well off to bed now ready for the big man in red to visit wishing you all a very Happy Christmas.

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