Christmas Day

A lovely lazy start to the day. 
I  watched the new, what I hope will be, a Christmas Classic - The Boy, the mole, the fox and the Horse whilst I enjoyed a coffee; ended up with a very wet face as the tears rolled..
I was collected by Terri around 10.45 am - packed up the car with bits I'd prepared and we headed off for our luncheon. What a lovely day.  We did a quick flip through the first few Traitors sessions as I had not watched it, but the others were full of it. I can see how it gets so gripping! 
We nibbled our delicious starter on our laps, had a rest before the main course which we ate sensibly at the table.  We then had an hour's rest before pudding, and found there was no room for the cheeses.
A fabulous feast and great company with a lovely fire to keep us warm. Home now to finish opening my gifts, calls from sister in sunny South Africa and a call from son and family in Spain. They have a full house!
All together a wonderful day.
This is the book of the magical story on the TV this morning and Christmas lights on Trish's window. The only snaps I took today!

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