Aussie Christmas desserts

It’s been a lovely day of just getting last minute things ready, mostly the house. I made rum balls finally … usually have these done for my Carols and Mince Pies coffee morning, but I haven’t done one this year.

Then I left early for practice at church for our Christmas Eve service. Bella apparently escaped out the patio door and was having a ball in the garden for about 40 mins. Stressful for Martin and Jon who were supposed to get some stuff ready to take to our neighbours as we were invited to dinner with them tonight.

Anyway, thankfully they caught her and made it to the service in time! Ben finished work on time so he could attend too.

Great service, kids all did a great job and the nativity story narrated well with all the right carols to boot!

Dinner next door was fantastic. This was the dessert table. Our neighbours kids did a great job with the gingerbread house. So good.

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