The knock on the door

Everything was going fine, prezzies opened, disgustingly large breakfasts devoured, I was just about to put the turkey in the oven......

A neighbour out for a walk saw the torrent of water  coming out of the grass next to the "water box". (That's what this hole in the ground is).
A frrantic dash around the house confirmed that the problem wasn't inside, everything nice and dry.
Another neighbour came out who knew what he was doing and plunged his arm down to the bottom off the box and turned off the flow of water. Which meant that the house has no water supply either.
The nice girl at the city water dept emergency line told us that it's my problem, not the city.
Plumber contacted and he will be here on Boxing day to have a look. (Boxing Day, double time, of course he'll come.)

So I'm starting a new tradition, cooking turkey on Boxing Day, vegetables, who knows when?

Ah well...

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