Peeping from the trees

Well a rather damp day all round. We went for a walk this morning, round the houses and through the woods - a good dog-walking, route though of course we don't have one -  and had the chance to watch a squirrel who was watching us from up in the trees of Benvoulin Wood. We returned reasonably dry. While we were having lunch though it rained, and for a while we had some scattered snowflakes, but it was never going to come to anything. 

I'd filled the tray on the fence with hazelnuts and a squirrel quickly got the message. Daughter Two managed a couple of shots through the partly opened front door, but he was very wary and soon disappeared. Later, Rosie the cat must have spotted him and went out to investigate, but Mr Squirrel ran up into a tree and made faces at her, metaphorically!  I managed to get one or two pictures though the branches and this was the best, though it's not as sharp as I would have liked, having had to blow it up quite a bit. Sometimes you have to take what you can get.

After lunch we enjoyed what turned into a lengthy game of 'Wingspan' which is one of our favourite games. Daughter One beat me into second place.

Quote of the Day:

You can love the country in two quite different ways, as a cat loves it or as a dog loves it! - Christopher Robin Milne, 'The Enchanted Places'.

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