River of Flowers

By doffy

Boxing Day: A Box of Cider Bottles

A chilly 4°C when we got up. Early torrential rain soon blew over.
Last night we’d watched “Knives Out” starring Daniel Craig, it had a very clever and complicated plot. We then watched “The Scapegoat” with Matthew Rhys playing the 2 main characters - this was also exciting and clever film adapted from a Daphne du Maurier book :-)
Early afternoon I watched “Labyrinth” - weird and wonderful with David Bowie … and I drank a bottle of cider, a very small one! It is Christmas :-))
MrD had a quick motorbike ride through the mountains and came back feeling very cold and ready for lunch.
This evening we watched “Magnificent Seven” and “Glass Onion” and some rugby …
Nadolig Llawen & Happy Christmas :-))
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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